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Showing posts with label FV2Quest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FV2Quest. Show all posts


Farmville 2 Pish Posh Quest Guide

Farmville 2 Pish Posh Quest Guide

{user}! I think I've found just the person I needed!Really?
Oh yes! See, Walter seems all posh playing golf, so I've decided to try out some, ah, sports myself! Wow!

Release Date: 17/05/2016


Farmville 2 Plane-tiful Quest Guide Week 4

Farmville 2 Plane-tiful Quest Guide Week 4

During the Next Weeks will arrive new Quests with a new building. Below the 4th Week!


Farmville 2 Renaissance Woman Quest Guide

Farmville 2 Renaissance Woman Quest Guide

Howdy {user}! You know, my love for springtime traditions isn't restricted to just maypoles!
Really? I love renaissance fairs too! Maypoles always reminded me of them. Let's have one here!

Release Date: 26/04/2016


Farmville 2 Yak Shaving Quest Guide

Farmville 2 Yak Shaving Quest Guide

I couldn't be happier about yaks coming to the county. 
Look at how magnificent they look!
I know, right? They are really taking to the farm life. But I feel like we should do more.
I have an idea. How about we get them a nice play area? That'll really do them some good.
Good idea!

Release Date: 19/04/2016


FarmVille 2 Country Escape: 2nd Annual Airshow Event Guide

FarmVille 2 Country Escape: 2nd Annual Airshow Event Guide

The 2nd Annual Airshow is here! This time, Eagle Eye Eddie’s twin brother, Hawkeye Harry, is making the trip to the farm to surprise his brother. The farm is coming together to prep his plane so he can make his grand entrance during the stunt show, and see that surprised look on his brother!
If you are at least level 12, you will see a pop-up inviting you to the Annual Airshow Event! You may have to force close the game to see the update, which means to clear it from your mobile device's memory. You may also need to reboot your device.
The event starts on Wednesday, April 13, and will have 2 stages; each 6 days in length. Complete the Annual Airshow, and compete with farmers all over the world for the top leaderboard position! Quests will reward you with Pilot Points, so be sure to complete as many as you can.


Farmville 2 Plane-tiful Quest Guide Week 3

Farmville 2 Plane-tiful Quest Guide Week 3

During the Next Weeks will arrive new Quests with a new building. Below the 3rd Week!

Release Date: 26/04/2016


Farmville 2 Plane-tiful Quest Guide Week 2

Farmville 2 Plane-tiful Quest Guide Week 2

During the Next Weeks will arrive new Quests with a new building. Below the 2nd Week!
Release Date: 19/04/2016

Farmville 2 Plane-tiful Quest Guide Week 1

Farmville 2 Plane-tiful Quest Guide Week 1

During the Next Weeks will arrive new Quests with a new building. Below the 1st Week!

Release Date: 12/04/2016


Farmville 2 Time To Get Scrappy Quest Guide

Farmville 2 Time To Get Scrappy Quest Guide

Hey there! I heard about the scrapbook you're putting together, about what you do on your farm!

 Yes, and I think it's a great idea! I'm all for being organised and tracking jobs. Maybe I can give you some pointers? I'd like that!


FarmVille 2 The Furry And The Furious Quest Guide

FarmVille 2 The Furry And The Furious Quest Guide

{user}! I need your help! I've made such a mess of things! What happened?
 My pet chinchilla got into Mom's kitchen and made a huge mess. She's so mad!

 Poor Barbara! And poor me! Can you help me smooth things over with Mom? I don't want her to evict my pet! We can fix this!

Release Date: 08/03/2016 


Farmville 2 Backyard Art Quest Guide

{user}, it's my turn as a parent volunteer to take charge of Percy's class for a week. That's cool. We're learning about 'backyard art' together. Did he tell you about the dandelion art project I gave them?

Yes, he did! I could use a bit of help with the rest of my plans for the class. Do you mind? Not at all!

Release Date: 01/03/2016


Farmville 2 Animal Happiness Center Quest Guide

Farmville 2 Animal Happiness Center Quest Guide

Tomorrow together the new building will come a series of missions. Below you can read what will need.

Release Date: 23/02/2016


Farmville 2 Animal Daycare Quest Guide

Farmville 2 Animal Daycare Quest Guide

We've been learning a lot about animals at school! That's great! I think it's important to ensure that the animals are healthy and happy. 

You bet! Let's work alongside Gus to ensure the well being of the animals. Sure!

Release Date: 23/02/2016


Farmville 2 Time Crafter Time Quest Guide

"Time Crafter Time" Quest Preview!

Barbara's syrup making has given me an idea!
 Yes! I want to bake! It'd be a new hobby, plus I think I could impress Barbara with it!
 Also, if it turns out well, we could serve it to guests at the B&B!


Farmville 2 Fabricated Comfort Quest Guide

"Fabricated Comfort" Quest Preview!

Oh, {user}! It'd be wonderful to see the fabrics you knit for the season! Really? 

Yes, Percy says you're an expert. Is he right? We'll see!

Release Date: 09/02/2016


Farmville 2 With Love Quest Guide

Farmville 2 With Love Quest Guide

Hello Friends,

The season of love is certainly in the air in Farmville 2 With Love Quests. Marie is planning something that will make the people of this county pause from their busy routine and appreciate the season of love. But in order to do this, she will need our help in preparing the materials in this Farmville 2 Quests. This mission is scheduled for release on Tuesday (February 2).

Some quick tips in preparing for this quests, you will need some SUGAR in making the Strawberry Sherbet. The WHITE FEATHERS that you will need in crafting the White Dreamcatcher can be obtain from Prized Ducks. The CLOTTED CREAM can be obtained from tending Mini Cows.


Farmville 2 Gala-vant Quest Guide Week 4

Farmville 2 Gala-vant Quest Guide Week 4

Hello Friends,

Farmville 2 Gala-vant Quest is in its 3rd week and final week will start from 2.Feb.2016.First week you have won a Cozy winter Bench, in 2nd week Frosted Lamp Post and in 3rd week Corner Fence by completing The 4 Quests. Now we are here with the guide for 4th week quests so you can prepare in advance. in 4th week you can win Mystery Goodie Bag as reward after completing 4 Quests and as a Final reward after completing 4 week Quests you will get an exclusive Baby Toggenburg Mini Goat. There will be a Bonus Quest Also. you can complete this quest to win some resources as reward. Just a reminder that you always have the option to skip the bonus stage if you feel not completing it.


Farmville 2 Bed, Breakfast And Bonding Quest Guide

Farmville 2 Bed, Breakfast And Bonding Quest Guide

Hello Friends,

Walter is planning to grow beautiful Rose Myrtle flowers in Farmville 2 Bed, Breakfast and Bonding Quests. He is asking us if could lend a hand in preparing plots to plant them in this Farmville 2 Quests. We are going to help Walter make the mood of the B&B nice and romantic. This mission will be released Tuesday (January 26th).

Some things you need to prepare for this quest. You will need some SUGAR in stage 5 for crafting the ANGEL FOOD CAKE. You will also need some CRAFTING BEADS for making the BEADED WOOL POUCH in stage 8.


Farmville 2 Gala-vant Quest Guide Week 3

Farmville 2 Gala-vant Quest Guide Week 3

Hello Friends,

Farmville 2 Gala-vant Quest is in its 2nd week now about to end. First week you have won a Cozy winter Bench and in 2nd week Frosted Lamp Post by completing The 4 Quests. Now we are here with the guide for 3rd week quests so you can prepare in advance. in 3rd week you can win Corner Fence as reward after completing 4 Quests. There will be a Bonus Quest Also. you can complete this quest to win some resources as reward. Just a reminder that you always have the option to skip the bonus stage if you feel not completing it.
Release Date: 26.Jan.2016


Farmville 2 You've Goat This Quest Guide

"You've Goat This" Quest Guide

Hello Friends,

We are going to raise mini goats with Gus in Farmville 2 You’ve Goat This Quests. Gus is excited with the latest animal addition to our farm. He will teach us on how to entice and raise the mini goat in this Farmville 2 Quests. In order to entertain the mini goat we will also build a Raised Goat Pen. This quest will start on Tuesday (Jan 19).

Some helpful tips: reserve some sugar for the Iced Fig Cake which we will be crafting in stage 3 and for the Mango Angel Fruit Cake where we will craft it in stage 8.
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